Computer Languages
MSI's professional staff is fluent in many computer languages, including:
- Assembler
A computer language that uses symbolic input to produce machine instructions.
It translates symbolic operations codes into computer operating instructions,
assigns locations in storage for successive instructions, and computes absolute
addresses from symbolic addresses.
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- Basic/Visual Basic
BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
It is one of the easiest computer programming languages to learn and utilize.
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- C/C++
C, and its object oriented extension C++, are well suited to computation intensive
tasks requiring high preformance. Both are appropriate for windows applications
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COBOL is short for COmmon Business Oriented Language. This is a computer
language designed for commercial data processing.
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FORmula TRANslator. This programming language closely resembles mathematical
language, originally conceived and widely used for scientific problems.
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Hyper Text Markup Language is the common language used in designing
and building documents for the World Wide Web.
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- Pascal
Named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician. Known for simplicity and
being a highly structured programming language. It was designed for teaching
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- 4GL's
4GL's, or Fourth Generation Languages, are the latest in computer programming
tools, and are what MSI specializes in. We are fluent in such 4G's as FoxPro
and DBase.
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- PowerBuilder
PowerBuilder is a 4GL geared towards cross platform development.
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